Wusthof Honing Steel | Discover Gourmet

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Wusthof Honing Steel


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  • Easy-to-grip handle
  • Fine coated with industrial diamonds
  • Produces a fantastic edge
  • Crafted in Solingen, Germany

Wusthof Honing Steel

Properly care for the PEtec edge your Wusthof cutlery with the Honing Steel. Your cutlery should be honed before or after use, since the edge on all knives tend to fold over time. This honing steel will gently realign that edge and the microscopic teeth lining the blade. Don't confuse the honing steel with a sharpening steel, which actually removes metal and creates a new edge. This process only needs done a couple times year, if that. Honing however, may need to be done daily depending on use. A honing steel needs to be at least as long as your longest knife.

Wusthof Item Number

9': 4461/23

10': 3039700526, previously 4473

Name: Wusthof Honing Steel
UPC: 4002293446127
Manufacturer: Wusthof